
Un mejor futuro-¡Viva el Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz!

Cuando terminemos con la empresa imperialista, y volvamos a la naturaleza... recobraremos el paraíso... Fidel está malito, dicen los gringos que agoniza... estarán contentos, recemos por el comandante... ¿qué otra? Enviémosle todo nuestro aliento revolucionario y libertario ¡Muera la burguesía! ¡Muerte al imperialismo! ¡Viva Lenin! ¡Viva Fidel! ¡Viva Cuba libre!

TALKING HEADS - (NOTHING BUT) FLOWERS LYRICS: "(Nothing But) Flowers Lyrics Artist(Band):Talking Heads Review The Song (9) Print the Lyrics Send polyphonic ringtone to your cell phone Here we stand Like an Adam and an Eve Waterfalls The Garden of Eden Two fools in love So beautiful and strong The birds in the trees Are smiling upon them From the age of the dinosaurs Cars have run on gasoline Where, where have they gone? Now, it's nothing but flowers There was a factory Now there are mountains and rivers you got it, you got it We caught a rattlesnake Now we got something for dinner we got it, we got it There was a shopping mall Now it's all covered with flowers you've got it, you've got it If this is paradise I wish I had a lawnmower you've got it, you've got it Years ago I was an angry young man I'd pretend That I was a billboard Standing tall By the side of the road I fell in love With a beautiful highway This used to be real estate Now it's only fields and trees Where, where is the town Now, it's nothing but flowers The highways and cars Were sacrificed for agriculture I thought that we'd start over But I guess I was wrong Once there were parking lots Now it's a peaceful oa"

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